Alexander mcqueen come capire se sono originali

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Ciao!Io ho comprato a dicembre il Mcqueen in negozio in monte napoleone,è di fronte a burberry a 179 avevano tantissimi e di tutti i colori...

Mi piace

parli di quelle di ebay a 79 euro???secondo me sono tutte imitazioni...è impossibile che te la vendano nuova a meno di un terzo del prezzo pieno...le ho viste sabato in rinascente e ora costano 250 euro...

inoltre giustificano il prezzo basso dicendo che non hanno più la scatola originale

se una cosa è originale chi se ne frega della cosa puzza troppo...ti consiglio con quei soldi di prenderti qualcosa d'altro, oppure di raccogliere i soldi e prenderla originale in negozio

Mi piace

In risposta a CARTOMANTE1876831

parli di quelle di ebay a 79 euro???secondo me sono tutte imitazioni...è impossibile che te la vendano nuova a meno di un terzo del prezzo pieno...le ho viste sabato in rinascente e ora costano 250 euro...

inoltre giustificano il prezzo basso dicendo che non hanno più la scatola originale

se una cosa è originale chi se ne frega della cosa puzza troppo...ti consiglio con quei soldi di prenderti qualcosa d'altro, oppure di raccogliere i soldi e prenderla originale in negozio

Hai detto che alla rinascente c'è?
sicura? allora corro a MIlano... no xkè io credevo ke in circolazione nn se ne trovassero +, ma ci sn i colori classici?

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In risposta a Astrid27856445

Hai detto che alla rinascente c'è?
sicura? allora corro a MIlano... no xkè io credevo ke in circolazione nn se ne trovassero +, ma ci sn i colori classici?

si mi pare di aver visto diversi colori...che colore cercavi tu???

senn chiama, prima di fare un viaggio a vuoto...intendo per il colore, sul fatto che c'era quel modello sono certa

io li ho visti nel piano borse, dove c'è la sezione alviero martini, donna karan ecc....i fondo c'è la sezione ero andata a vedere i foulard di Emilio Pucci...e ho visto anche quelli di A.Mc Queen...pensavo anch'io fossero introvabili....invece erano lì

Mi piace

Miglior risposta

Ciao!Io ho comprato a dicembre il Mcqueen in negozio in monte napoleone,è di fronte a burberry a 179 avevano tantissimi e di tutti i colori...

Mi piace

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The best way to spot fake Alexander McQueen Oversized is to look at the text on the interior/exterior sides of the tongue. Fake AMQ pairs always have their text misplaced and either super thick or super thin! You’ll never see this kind of an issue on the genuine Alexander McQueen sneakers.

If you’re the type of person who loves to rock designer outfits, you will be able to attest to how awesome Alexander McQueens are. They are the stylish symbol of a person who knows a lot about fashion.

In this Alexander McQueen checking guide, we will spot some of the easiest signs to follow in selecting your shoes and explaining how to compare fake ones.

Now, a fake pair of Alexander McQueen shoes most likely has the 3M reflective lines tending to cover the brand name.

Essentially, if you are lacing your shoes up to the top, you will find that the fakes tend to cover the brand name that should ideally stick out.

Moving on, you will also need to check the soles. The brand name written under the shoes is usually centralized by manufacturers of fakes, while they should be much closer to the edges of the left side.

With these two, you should be able to spot fakes. Keep in mind that a pair of Alexander McQueen shoes will need to do more than that to qualify as being original.

How to spot fake vs real Alexander McQueen Oversized Sneakers

Step 1: Check the details on the toe box for your sneakers

The toe box on any pair of Alexander McQueen shoes is actually one of the most important aspects of the shoes themselves.

They bring out the lovely arch design that keeps your toes safe and comfortable, and they make for a rather great aesthetic as well.

However, the innovative design that they’ve got also makes it rather easy to spot fakes.

Both the toe box and toe box stitching are obscure, but they can be valuable spots

With this aspect, there really isn’t much to say. All you have to do is check out the toe box on any pair and see where it stands.

Fake Alexander McQueen shoes always have their toe boxes too low, so you won’t have much of an issue spotting them.

A lot of work goes into the toe box stitching. Keep an eye out for it.

You should check the stitches. While a lot of fake shoes already have stitches, you’ll be surprised how many still ignore this simple requirement.

Shoes without stitches at the front will get damaged easily, so don’t even bother spending a dime on any of these.

Step 2: Look at the shape of the Alexander McQueen Shoes

On a pair of Alexander McQueens sneakers, you will find that the authentic ones have the back of their heels being round.

The roundness brings about a curve, which is rather noticeable.

Alexander McQueens have a distinct shape. You could use this as a yardstick

Most of the fakes still achieve some level of roundness, but when you look into the curvature, you will find that it’s just not the same as what you can get with the originals.

Just like laces, you can pretty much find this flaw when you look at the shoes from the side.

The fake AMQ Oversized pairs are way too curved, and for a person with a trained eye, it gives their fake nature away rather easily.

So as to see this better, we have zoomed in and drawn dotted lines in order to show you how the shape of the legit shoes is less curvy than the shape of the fake shoes.

At the same time, in the fake vs real AMQ Oversized image above, we have also pointed out how the fake shoes also have that extra curve on the back of the shoes, which is not visible on the authentic pair.

Step 3: Inspect the shoes’ back rear print

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One of the most significant and obvious spots will have to be the text on the back of the shoes.

On any fake pair of Alexander McQueen shoes, you will find that the text is either too thin or too thick.

Apparently, a lot of manufacturers try to make their shoes look too legit that they just go crazy on the printing. Thus, you get the text that is way too thin on the releases with the lowercase text, and thick on the releases with the uppercase text.

The lowercase text releases

First of all, let’s have a quick look at the real vs fake AMQ Oversized sneakers which were released with lowercase text.

In the fake vs real Alexander McQueen Oversized sneaker image above, we have pointed out how the fake shoes have their text looking too thin.

In fact, we have first pointed out this flaw in the “Alexander” text, where you can see how the letters have a totally lower font weight than the one visible on the authentic shoes.

Then, looking at the “McQueen” text, it is visible in the real vs fake Alexander McQueen image above how the fake shoes have their “McQUEEN” text thinner as well when compared to the retail shoes.

In fact, the thickness difference between the fake vs real Alexander McQueen Oversized sneakers also causes the fake shoes to have too much space between the letters.

On the other hand, the authentic AMQ Oversized sneakers have their letters placed closer to each other, while the fake shoes have their letters placed further away from each other, due to them being too thin, while on the legit shoes, the lettering is thicker and having less space between.

The uppercase text releases

Now, let’s also have a look at the fake vs real Alexander McQueen sneakers in order to check the quality of the shoes with the uppercase text on the rear tab.

The text at the back heels of your Alexander McQueens are a great indication of their authenticity

The excessive thickness is especially visible on the “E” and “R,” so make sure that you keep a sharp eye out for those.

In addition to that, you will find that the “C” located inside the “Q” in “McQueen” is way too large on the fake sneakers.

It’s not easy to spot, but with a trained eye, you will be able to sniff this one out easily.

In the real vs fake Alexander McQueen Oversized sneakers image above, we have zoomed in to the text in order for the flaws on the fake shoes to be easier to check, and so, in order to easily differentiate between the fake vs real AMQ Oversized shoes.

Fan of the Alexander McQueens? Then you might like to read how to spot fake Louboutin sneakers.

Step 4: Look at the characters inside the tongue tip

As for the fourth step of our guide on how to spot fake Alexander McQueen Oversized sneakers, we are going to move inside the tongue in order to check the thickness of the characters.

The characters inside the tongue tag are usually thicker on a pair of real Alexander McQueen shoes

When you look into the tongue tag, you will find that there are some characters there (usually, a couple of numbers, followed by some spaces and a letter).

Well, the real vs fake AMQ Oversized sneakers have different font types for these characters.

Now, it might be impossible for you to discover the difference. If you want a simpler sign, just keep in mind that the characters inside the tongue tip of a pair of real Alexander McQueens are usually much thicker than what you will find in a pair of fake shoes.

The steps we’ve written so far are the best ways to authenticate this item.

The next few steps are still reliable signs of authenticity but are for non-top-versions of replicas available for this item. We recommend sticking to the steps we’ve explained above to make sure you’re not drawing the wrong conclusions.

Step 5: Look at the text on the tongue of your shoes

One of the easiest ways to spot fakes is just to look at the tongue tag. When you look at the fake shoes, you will find that the entire text on them is much thicker than the originals.

Also, if you look at the “X” on the fakes, you will find that it is also much wider on the shoe releases with the uppercase text. Don’t worry, we’ll get there in a short amount of time.

The lowercase text releases

First of all, let’s have a look at the real vs fake AMQ Oversized shoes that come with the text on the tongue in lowercase, and then, we’ll also check the fake vs real AMQ Oversized pairs with the uppercase text.

In the fake vs real Alexander McQueen Oversized image above, we have pointed out how the fake shoes once again have their text looking too thin.

This is easily visible in each letter printed on the fake shoes, where you can see the lack of quality.

On the other hand, the authentic shoes have their “Alexander McQueen” text on the tongue looking thicker than the fake shoes’ text.

The uppercase text releases

As the heading says, we are now going to check the fake vs real Alexander McQueen shoes which have their text on the tongue written in uppercase.

How is the Alexander McQueen name written on the tongue tag?

In addition to that, you will find that the “R” and the “N” characters are significantly different than other letters.

On the originals, you will appreciate the fact that everything is uniform. The printing on the tongue tag isn’t so thick, and this is one of the most important tells that you can possibly have on a pair of Alexander McQueens.

Think about it; the print is usually in gold letters, and if they get too thick and you’re wearing the shoes in the sun, your footwear will begin to reflect light and pretty much distract anyone.

Step 6: Inspect the shoelaces of your AMQ Oversized pair

The laces are something that any pair of shoes have. We won’t be here telling you to check whether a pair of shoes have laces because there’s no point in that.

However, when it comes to these components, one thing that is synonymous with a lot of fakes is that the laces become really thin.

If you want to check out some fakes, all you need to do is look at the laces and feel them, you’ll find that they are really thin.

Also, if you want to be really sure, you can just look at the laces from the side. In really good light, you can see the thinness really clearly.

Step 7: Check the midsole stitching

The midsole stitching is something that not everyone looks at. So, if you ever feel guilty about not paying too much attention to it, don’t worry; you’re not the only one.

The midsole stitching keeps your shoes strong, but it also tells if they’re original or not

Also, the fact that it gets ignored doesn’t take its importance at all, both from an aesthetic perspective and concerning the strength of the shoes. 

Solid midsole stitching will go a long way to keep your shoes operational for long, and it will also help keep costs down (you won’t need to get a replacement anytime soon, that is).

If you would like to spot a fake Alexander McQueen pair, all you need to do is look at the thickness of the stitch, most fakes have really thin stitches, so be really careful.

Step 8: Check the holes on the side of your Alexander McQueen Oversized shoes

Fake Alexander McQueen Oversized Sneakers usually have holes for shoelaces placed too low.

They’re a common trend (for whatever reason), and they are pretty much the same with these shoes as well.

How do the holes of your Alexander McQueen shoes look?

Looking more closely, you will find that they are also much closer to the sole, and they tend to appear in a more bent pattern.

The originals are at an equidistant level, and their alignment is completely straight.

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Step 9: Look into the 3M reflective lines

No one ever likes to pay such close attention to a pair of shoes before discovering whether they are original or fake.

Thankfully for you, this is one of the easier means of checking things out.

The Alexander McQueen name should always be visible, even with the 3M reflective lines

When you take a pair of Alexander McQueens, be sure to check out the reflective lines when the laces are all tied.

The fake AMQ oversized shoes will have the entire “Alexander McQueen” almost covered, while the on the original pairs, the letters on the brand name are more obvious.

This method of checking is really easy, and it is one of the most important ways to be sure that you got the original shoes.

Step 10: Check the brand name on the sole

The soles are also quite important, as they will easily show whether you have fake knock offs or the real deal.

Not many people know this, but the fact that there is a brand name on the soles isn’t an accident.

You might not really pay close attention to it because you step on the soles every time.

Here’s the thing; the real Alexander McQueen shoes come with the text (on the brand name, that is) closer to the edge of the left side.

The releases with their text aligned in the middle of the rectangle on the sole

As you may know already, we are first going to have a look at the fake vs real Alexander McQueen Oversized shoes with the text centered in the middle side of the rectangle on the sole, and then, at the ones with the text aligned to the left of the rectangle.

In the fake vs real Alexander McQueen Oversized image above, we have pointed out how the fake shoes have their text looking too thick and wide.

On the other hand, the text on the authentic shoes’ sole is looking thinner and also boxier than the fake shoes’ text.

The releases with their text aligned in the left side of the rectangle on the sole

Now, let’s also have a look at the fake vs real Alexander McQueen Oversized sneakers which have their text on the sole aligned to the left side of the label.

The positioning of the Alexander McQueen brand name on the soles is quite important as well

Manufacturers of fake shoes generally tend to be too perfect with the designs that they copy, and they forget that certain imperfections are what makes the shoes so great.

So, they go ahead and drop the letters right in the middle of the shoes.

Step 11: Verify the cross-stitching on the side of your shoes

As for the eleventh step of the guide on how to spot fake AMQ Oversized sneakers, we are going to move on the side of the fake vs real AMQ Oversized shoes again.

In the real vs fake AMQ Oversized image above, we have pointed out how the fake shoes have their upper side of the cross-stitching looking too curvy, and how the bottom side (with the diagonal stitching line) is too thin and curvy as well.

On the other hand, the stitching on the legit shoes is less bumpy, and it is made out of more quality than the fake shoes’ stitching, as the legit shoes have their stitching thicker than what it looks like on the fake shoes.

Step 12: Look at the insole of your Alexander McQueen Oversized sneakers

Proceeding to the twelfth step of the guide on how to spot fake Alexander McQueen Oversized sneakers, we will check the fake vs real AMQ Oversized pairs for the insole.

In the fake vs real Alexander McQueen Oversized sneakers image above, we have pointed out how the fake shoes have their text on the insole improperly shaped and font-weighted.

By that, we mean that the fake shoes have their text on the insole looking too big and thick.

On the other hand, the authentic Alexander McQueen Oversized sneakers have their text on the insole looking smaller and thinner than the text visible on the replica AMQ Oversized shoes.

Step 13: Fake vs real Alexander McQueen Oversized sneakers box label

Moving on to the thirteenth and the last step of the guide on how to spot fake Alexander McQueen sneakers, we are going to check out the box label of the fake vs real AMQ Oversized shoes.

In the fake vs real Alexander McQueen Oversized image above, we have pointed out how, first of all, the “SNEAKER PELLE S.GOMMA” text on the fake shoes’ box label is too small and thick.

On the other hand, the same text on the authentic shoes’ box label is thinner.

Then, moving on to the bottom left corner of the box label, you can see in the fake vs real Alexander McQueen Oversized image above how the fake shoes have their text below the barcode too small.

The text found on the authentic shoes’ box label is bigger than the one found on the fake box label.

Up next, looking in the top-right corner of the box label, you can see in the fake vs real AMQ Oversized image above how the fake box label has its text looking too small and thick, while the text on the legit shoes’ box label is bigger and thinner.

Lastly, looking at the monogram with the Alexander McQueen Oversized sneakers on the bottom right corner of the box label, you can see how the fake shoes have their monogram differently shaped from the one on the legit shoes’ box label.

In fact, the fake shoes’ box label has the shoe too small and curvy when compared to the one found on the legit shoes.

How can I spot fake Alexander McQueen shoes in seconds?

If you are looking for the quickest ways, here are some tips that will get things done for you within a matter of seconds (or, at most, a minute):

  1. Verify the toe box of your AMQ Oversized sneakers. Mostly, the fake shoes have their toe box improperly inflated, and the stitching on the fake shoes’ toe box is also commonly flawed in terms of weight and length.
  2. Inspect the shape of your shoes. Mostly, the fake shoes have an extra curve on the upper rear side. This curve is not present on the legit shoes.
  3. Check the text on the rear side. Most of the time, counterfeit shoes have their text improperly font-weighted.
  4. Analyze the characters inside the tongue, as the fake shoes usually have their numbers and letters looking too thin.
  5. Look into the tongue tip to see the characters. If they are thin, the shoes are most likely fake.
  6. Hold the shoes to the side to examine the laces. Original Alexander McQueens come with thicker laces, so be very careful. Fake shoes have really thin laces, and they have a higher probability of getting worn out easily.
  7. Verify the stitching on the midsole of your shoes, as the fake pairs commonly have their stitching improperly weighted.
  8. Inspect the placement of the holes on the side of your shoes. The fake shoes usually have their holes misplaced and either too far away or too close to the midsole.
  9. Hold the shoes together and see whether the brand name on the 3M reflective lines is still showing.
  10. Look at the soles of the shoes to examine the brand name on there. If it is close to the center, then you have a fake in your hands.
  11. Verify your shoes for the cross-stitching. The counterfeit-produced AMQ shoes usually have their cross-stitching on the side of the shoes looking too curvy and thin.
  12. Inspect the print on the insole of your Alexander McQueen Oversized sneakers. Mostly, the fake shoes have their text too big and thick.
  13. Have a look at the box label of the shoes, because most of the time, the fake box labels have their symbols improperly printed.

So, there you have it; the definitive guide to spotting a fake pair of Alexander McQueen shoes.

Where can I get my Alexander McQueen shoes authenticated? The Alexander McQueen Oversized authentication service

Well, that’s what we’re here for. Our guides will help you to look through a pair of Alexander McQueen shoes and check if they are authentic.

If you would like to be even surer, feel free to get in contact with us and we will be able to look into the shoes on your behalf.

Need our opinion over your item’s authenticity? It’s a service we provide.

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Thank you for reading this,

Ch Daniel and Ch David

Come capire se le McQueen sono false?

Partendo dalla scatola dove sono contenute, quella reale è leggermente più grande e di una tonalità di grigio più scura. La carta che avvolge le scarpe e l'interno della scatola sono caratterizzate da una fantasia, mentre quelle false sono lisce e in tinta unita.

Come vestono le scarpe Alexander McQueen?

Taglie e vestibilità In generale indosso il numero EU 36/36,5 e per le mie sneakers Alexander McQueen ho preso un 36. Direi che vestono abbastanza bene, ma se siete tra due numeri scegliete quello più piccolo. Io le trovo comodissime!

Quanto pesano le Mc Queen?

Infatti, quello irlandese pesa 400 grammi al chilo, quello italiano 220. La differenza è enorme, sostanziale: nel primo caso si ottengono abiti che resistono alle pieghe e agli stropicciamenti, nel secondo si rischia sempre l'effetto plissé involontario.

Come pulire le McQueen bianche?

inumidire un panno nell'acqua. versare il prodotto detergente scelto sul panno umido (se è una spuma si può spruzzare anche direttamente sulla scarpa, mentre un sapone va versato nell'acqua e diluito fino a creare una schiuma) (c'è chi preferisce i detergenti fatti in casa come detersivo per i piatti o il bicarbonato)


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