Tom & jerry willy wonka e la fabbrica di cioccolato


Time for introductions!

Tom & jerry willy wonka e la fabbrica di cioccolato

Hi, guys! I’m Tom. You’ve probably heard of me, right? I’m the leader of the gang. The alpha cat. The big kahuna! Our app studio is the first step on the road to fame, fortune, and… what’s another thing that begins with “F”? Oh, right – FUN!

More about me!

Tom & jerry willy wonka e la fabbrica di cioccolato

Hi there! I’m Angela. I’m not into tech like Tom and the guys – I’m a singer and one day I’m going to be a big star! But I love hanging out with the guys, even if they do drive me up the wall from time to time! There’s only so much crazy a girl can take, after all!

More about me!

Tom & jerry willy wonka e la fabbrica di cioccolato

Oh hi there! My name’s Hank. I’m Tom’s trainee (and his super cool roommate) and the couch in front of the TV is my domain. Also, I’m basically the brains of the operation. No, really – I am! Hey! Stop laughing!

More about me!

Tom & jerry willy wonka e la fabbrica di cioccolato

BOO! Haha - made you jump! Tom and the gang (the old folks) are okay, I guess. But I’m the future! You should remember my name – it’s Ginger – because one day I’m gonna rule the WHOLE WORLD. All of it! But right now, I want some candy.

More about me!

Tom & jerry willy wonka e la fabbrica di cioccolato

I’m Ben. I’m a genius. Blunt, yes, but true! I do have hidden depths though. I’m a very funny guy, for example. Although, to be fair, I haven’t actually received external confirmation of that yet... So it’s just a hypothesis at the moment. But still! Funny AND smart.

More about me!


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Every day is a blast in the My Talking Tom Friends house with Tom, Angela, Hank, Ginger, Ben and Becca. Players take care of all six at once.

- Closet full of fun fashions
- Wacky food reactions
- Creative and sporty activities for everyone
- Toys, stickers and coins to collect
- Daily trips to town
- New mini games and surprises

Interact, customize and enjoy managing this team of pet friends.

From Outfit7, creators of My Talking Tom, My Talking Tom 2 and My Talking Angela 2.

This app contains:
- Promotion of Outfit7's products and advertising;
- Links that direct customers to Outfit7’s websites and other apps;
- Personalization of content to encourage users to play the app again;
- YouTube integration to allow users to watch videos of Outfit7's animated characters;
- The option to make in-app purchases;
- Subscriptions which automatically renew at the end of a subscription period unless cancelled. You can manage and cancel your subscription any time via Settings in your Google Play account;
- Items to purchase (available in different prices) using virtual currency, depending on the player’s progress;
- Alternative options to access all functionalities of the app without making any in-app purchases using real money.

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